The information given on the website are based on the Ayurvedic texts & modern research about the product, viewers must seek physician’s advice before taking the product & not to go for self-medication.
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Description :
Firming & toning body cream is based on the traditional edifice of Ayurveda, and the pages of sacred texts of Bhaishajyaratnavali, enriched with Ashwagandha thailam, a classical medicated oil formulated with Indian ginseng (Ashwagandha), Spikenard (Jatamansi), Asparagus (Shatavari) and Cow’s Milk, which has been elaborated for firming and toning.
It is fortified with Olive oil, Calcified butter which deeply restructures and enhances saggy skin with the synergistic action of botanicals by stimulating tired tissue metabolism and increasing cellular respiration, ensuring desirable contouring effects.
Benefits your skin with
- Activates & promote accumulation of fat in desired part / tissue
- Supply nutrients & retain moisture for smooth & supple skin
- Tightens loose tissues
- Improves skin tone & texture
- Encourage significant firming & toning effect
Exclusive benefits :
- The formulation is obtained from the sacred Ayurveda text- “Bhaishajyaratnavali”
- The formulation significantly strengthens ligaments of the sagged area.
- Fortified with classical oil preparations - Ashwagandha tailam
- Enriched with pure clarified butter from cow’s milk along with jaitun tailam
- Completely natural, safe & hormone free formula
Key ingredients & its exquisite benefits :
Ashwagandha taila : It is an age-old beneficial medicated oil mentioned in Ayurvedic texts which penetrates deep into the skin & promotes the natural accumulation of fat. It effectively tones tired & stressed muscles leaving the desired body part firm & nourished .
Jaitun taila : It is rich in vitamin A, D E & K which prevents the early signs of premature sagging of skin.
Go ghrita : It is a super ingredient, rich in plenty of healthy nutrients used for generations to improve skin elasticity. Its regular application deeply nourishes & hydrates deepest layers of skin.
Shatavari : In ayurveda Shatavari is popularly known as nature's premier women's health herb. Shatavari with its viscoelastic & hydration properties helps in maintaining elasticity of the skin.
Jatamansi : It is rich in antioxidants which effectively helps in tightening loss tissues & strengthening ligaments of saggy skin.
Direction of use :
- Place the required amount of cream into the palm of your hand.
- Using your hands massage gently in circular motion
- Do not wash off
- For best results use overnight
Precautions :
- For external use only
- Avoid contact with eyes
- Keep out of reach of children
- Avoid using during lactation