The information given on the website are based on the Ayurvedic texts & modern research about the product, viewers must seek physician’s advice before taking the product & not to go for self-medication.

AIMIL Amroid Ointment 20gm

Rs. 148.00

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Size :
Rs. 129.00

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Amroid is a poly-herbal Ayurvedic proprietary formulation to fulfill all the objectives for the management of piles. Amroid provides dual therapy as tablet & ointment to treat piles systematically & locally for effective and comprehensive management. Amroid acts on the aetiological sites for piles majorly toning GIT (Gastro Intestinal Tract) motility & secretions and help prevent chronic constipation. Besides, Amroid also provides benefits by providing instant symptomatic relief via significant anti-inflammatory, haemostatic, anti-microbial, wound healing, Liver protective, metabolic corrective actions, toning functions of Gastro–Intestinal Tract as whole.

Heals Effectively & Prevents Recurrence Systemically and Locally

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    Acts as Haemostatic agent & controls bleeding from rectum

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    Exerts anti-inflammatory action, controls pain & itching

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    Relieves constipation by regulating GIT activity

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    Acts as broad spectrum anti-microbial & controls secondary infections

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    Acts as Natural Bowel regulator

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    Accelerates the wound healing process in rectum


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    Nagkesar (Mesua ferrea)
    Acts as astringent

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    Amaltas (Cassia fistula)
    Acts as natural bowel regulator

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    Sunthi (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)
    Inhibits inflammatory mediators

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    Chirbilv (Holoptelea integrifolia)
    Used for treating inflammation  and intestinal disorders.

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    Daruharidra (Berberis aristata)
    Acts against bacteria, fungi, protozoa


  • Clean the affected area and apply gently outside & inside the anal canal before and after defecation each time and at bed time with the applicator provided or as directed by the physician.

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