May 29 , 2016
Affordable Ayurvedic Drug to Fight Diabetes Launched In Chennai: Priced At Rs 5
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) on 29 May launched in Chennai. BGR-34 - an anti-diabetic ayurvedic drug designed for type 2 Diabetes mellitus.
BGR-34 is developed jointly by National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), the research units of CSIR at Lucknow. Aimed at managing type 2 diabetes, BGR-34 has been jointly developed by National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), both located in Lucknow.
“The modern diabetes drugs are known for side-effects and toxicity while BGR-34 works by controlling blood sugar and limiting the harmful effects of other drugs,” said NBRIs’ Senior Principal Scientist A.K.S. Rawat.
"BGR-34 is a unique product that manages the lives of human suffering diabetics. The product passed several battery of tests and showed hypoglycaemic activity in experimental subjects," said AIMIL Pharmaceuticals vice president Anil Kumar Sharma.
BGR-34 is the excellent treatment for diabetes because it is natural treatment which is good for health besides modern western medicine. I am saying this because my uncle has diabetes. He started taking of bgr-34 ayurvedic medicine after some time he found his sugar level has controlled and now he is satisfy with result of bgr-34.