Ayurvedic Treatment for Leucoderma (Safed Daag)

Apr 26 , 2017



Ayurvedic Treatment for Leucoderma (Safed Daag)

Leucoderma (Safed Daag/white patches) is an idiopathic acquired skin disorder which can be identified by the breakout of white spots all over the body. Vitiligo & Leucoderma is more common in the Asia and the Middle East and is generally only detected after its occurrence. It is more prominent on darker skin people and is often compared or thought of as leprosy. 

Leucoderma and Vitiligo are similar disorders and the line of treatment remains the same for both. While Leucoderma is acquired by accident, Vitiligo is self generated.

Both Leucoderma and Vitiligo are caused due to autoimmunity. In which the immune system gets disturbed and as a direct result, results in the self destruction of cells. The cells producing melanin pigment if destroyed leads to the non production of the pigment and thus, leads to white patches all over the body.

Leucoderma & Vitiligo also might be caused by an accident or an injury wherein there is a complete erosion of the pigment producing cells. Leucoderma & Vitiligo also might be caused due to plastic allergies, perfume allergies, or the use of harsh soaps and hand sanitizers. These are just some examples of how Leucoderma and Vitiligo are borne. The underlying principle being the destruction of pigment producing cells.

These diseases (Leucoderma & Vitiligo) causes a lot of mental pain and anguish for the sufferer. making him/ her feel as a social outcast and often leads to chronic depression and demotivation.  Most of the sufferers are misinformed, misguided and are treated with incompatible and ineffective drugs and medicines. This adds to the burden of the sufferers and makes them want the perfect cure even more.  


Until a couple of years ago, the treatment or the cure of Leucoderma & Vitiligo was thought of as difficult and in some cases unachievable. Recently a lot of research and development has gone into the cure of these white spots/ cure of Leucoderma & Vitiligo through ayurveda. For hundreds of years the Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners have successfully treated this deadly skin disorder.  Their treatment was based on the use of a number of herbal plants and so on and henceforth.

So the Leucoderma & Vitiligo ayurvedic cure or the white patches cure, is dependent on increasing immunity and the re-pigmentation or the regeneration of the destructed pigment generating cells. Thus, increasing immunity takes precaution against increase in the disorder and the re pigmentation reverses the damage already done. Over the last couple of years, the ayurvedic treatment of Leucoderma & Vitiligo has been deemed secure and most effective in comparison to even allopathic drugs.

Until a couple of years ago, there wasn't a single cure  which was holistic enough to treat leucoderma. Most patients were misguided, misinformed and were prescribed incompatible medicines which just didn't cure the disorder. It was then that the Defense Agriculture Research Laboratory (DARL) conducted extensive research and development of a drug called Lukoskin which was found to be very effective for this impregnable disease. DARL has its core competence in developing herbal products from the high altitude regions of the Himalaya to solve deadly disease and disorders through ayurveda.

The approach is based on taking precaution against further outbursts of white patches through making the immune system stronger and secondly reducing the amount of white patches which are present.

Lukoskin revolutionizes the treatment of Leucoderma & Vitiligo. The cure makes use of herbal plants such as -

  • Ammi Majus which stimulates pigment production in skin which is exposed to the sun
  • PSoralea Corylifolia, a traditional folk medicine used for treating white patches
  • Calotropis Gigantia
  • Aloe Vera
  • Centella Asia- Is alternative, weakly sedative, tonic and cardio depressant.

These herbs have been used for generations in treating Leucoderma & Vitiligo or white spots. The medicinal properties of these herbs means that they treat the disorder in the minimum time possible and in the most effective way.

Lukoskin is advantageous due to the following couple of reasons-

  • Activation of Melanin or pigment synthesis
  • Improves the immunity
  • Exerts photo sensitization and helps initiate the process of  enema.
  • Reduces blisters and initiates healing
  • Reduces stress and increase metabolism
  • Does not have side effects
  • It stops the growth of cataract and enhances the texture of the skin.
  • It is also price sensitive and can be easily purchased by people of all income groups.

With over thousands of Leucodermic patients treated and over lacs enrolled for the treatment, Aimil Pharmaceuticals seeks to make India Leucoderma free. To know more about Lukoskin and its benefits visit this link.


  • 26 Apr 2017 Chandrika

    Hello, please share some info please

  • 26 Apr 2017 Purnima Pandey

    Nice article. (y)

  • 26 Apr 2017 A M Kumar

    After 7 years Lukoskin is showing good results for vitiligo; with proper diet and follow ups. Many dots are developing in my white patches. I am a little happy. People can try out with hope.

  • 26 Apr 2017 Sukhdev Amrik

    Firstly, Let me take this opportunity to thank Dr. Nitika Kohli and her aimil team for giving a new confidence to my life. My Problem with the vitiligo started since my childhood and from then i had tried many other treatments (Homeopathy, ayurvedic,etc ) but there were no good results or a permanent solution to my problems at all. But after consulting with Dr Nitika Kohli in Mumbai. My patches gets reduced & after taking lukoskin my lifestyle become simple easy

  • 26 Apr 2017 Pooja Sharma

    I recommend Dr.Nitika Kohli with my highest level of enthusiasm. She is best ayurveda expert for the treatment of Safed Daag. .

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