Jul 18 , 2017
All You Need to Know About Joint Pain
According to recent statistics, it is estimated that 33% of all adults face joint pains on a day to day basis. While so many of us go through this rather debilitating disease which reduces the quality of our lives, most of us are oblivious to what it is and how we can successfully mitigate against it. With this article, we aim to cover all there is on Joint Pain.
Joints help connect the bones in our body. They provide support and help us move the various parts of our body. Thus, any damage or pain to them can severely impact our daily activities. According to medical research done on joint pains, knee pains are the most common followed by shoulder and hip pains.
The causes of joint pains range from being minor to chronic lasting up to several years. They might be caused due to a wide variety of reasons. Some of them being gout, strains, sprains, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, physical injuries and so on and henceforth. Diagnosing the cause of the pain and treating it effectively is of paramount importance. While it is the job of the doctor to do that, let us help you in understanding the symptoms and the causes of joint pains so that we can collectively treat ourselves to get rid of joint pains once and for all.
What are the Symptoms of Joint Pain?
A lot is discussed in regards to the causes and remedies of joint pains but what about the symptoms of joint pain? When do we do know when joint pain is becoming chronic or that it needs to be shown to a doctor? The answer to the question is that we need to identify with success the symptoms of joint pain. The following are some of the most common symptoms-
- Stiffness and Weakness in the Joints
- Redness of Joints
- Swelling
- Tenderness
- Limping
- Excessive locking of the joints
- Loss of the range of motion
- Experiencing pain when moving a limb/joint
This is the first step of the treatment process. An accurate diagnosis is sometimes more important than the treatment itself. Thus, be vigilant and pick point health issues such as these in its early stages.
"It is the little details that are vital." - John Wooden
How Does Joint Pain Occur?
There are a number of reasons for which joint pains might happen. While most people know only the generic ones, let us try and understand some of the more complex ones.
- Bone Infection (Osteomyelitis)
- Sprains and Strains
- Osteoarthritis (Causes due to wear and tear of the cartilage)
- Rheumatoid Arthritis (An autoimmune disease which causes chronic joint inflammation)
- Bursitis (It is an excruciating condition that affects the bursae which cushion the bones, tendons, and muscles near the joints in our body. Bursitis occurs when the bursae become swollen.)
- Cold and Flu
- Bone Infection (Osteomyelitis)
- Rheumatic Fever
- Gout (Gout is an attack of sudden burning pain, stiffness, and swelling in a joint)
- Fractures and Dislocations
- Tendinitis (Inflammation of a Tendon)
- Diseases such as HIV AIDS, Dengue Fever, Hepatitis B, Chickenpox, Measles and so on and henceforth.
In fact, if one were to research deep enough there can be hundreds if not thousands of reasons which result in joint pain. However, the guiding principle in understanding the causes of joint pain is that whatever can lead to the degradation of the joints results in joint pain whatever the cause may be, be it a disease, infections, physical trauma and so on and henceforth.
What are some of most Effective Ways of Treating Joint Pain?
As Swami Vivekananda used to say that my countrymen should have nerves of steel, muscles of iron, and minds like a thunderbolt, we should endeavor for the same.
Now that we have understood the causes of joint pain let us treat joint pain effectively. The following are some of the most common remedies for joint pain.
Physiotherapy is one of the most efficient ways to treat joint pain. It helps in stabilizing joints, strengthening muscles and increasing the range of motion. The physiotherapist achieves this by ultrasound, cold and heat therapy, manipulation, and so forth.
Injections are also prescribed by many doctors if the pain becomes chronic. The injections are steroids ones which are combined with a local anesthetic. They are directly injected into the joint on a periodic basis to ease the pain. However, the treatment is only temporary and has harmful side effects as discussed later in the article.
Allopathic Cures-
Allopathic cures such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), or naproxen sodium (Aleve), NSAIDs, etc. are also widely used to treat joint pain. However, most of these medications provide only temporary relief and do not resolve the cause of the pain. According to recent studies done, home remedies and ayurvedic cures have been proclaimed to be more effective for joint pain.
Ayurvedic Cures-
Ayurvedic cures are one of the most underrated and over performing forms of treatment for joint pains. The Ayurvedic cures for joint pain are derived from age old and scientifically tested natural herbs which are anti inflammatory, prevent joint pain and make your joints healthier.
Home Remedies-
Home Remedies for Joint pains is perhaps one of the easiest and fastest ways to treat joint pain. The guiding principle for treating joint pains should be RICE.
R- Rest the Joint
I- Apply ice over the joint
C- Compress the joint
E- Elevate the joint preferably above the level of your heart
Another great way of mitigating against joint pain is to do it through reducing your weight. A fat person is more likely to have joint pains as compared to a thin person. The best exercises for doing that without affecting your joints is swimming and bicycling. Both these sports help exercise your joints without putting any pressure on them.
Did You Know that the Allopathic Drugs for Joint Pain have Harmful Side Effects?
While a lot has been discussed about allopathic drugs, it is our responsibility to inform people about its negative side effects. Allopathic medicines which are used to treat joint pains can lead to a number of near fatal conditions over a period. Some of the side effects of Allopathic drugs for joint pains include-
- Liver Damage
- Drowsiness
- Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Storkes
- Heart Attack
- Cardiovascular Events
- Spasms
- Weight Gain
In fact, some of the allopathic drugs such as NSAIDs (which increases the risk of heart attacks) have been banned from use in many a country. Other allopathic drugs such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) can lead to liver damage. Thus, it is clear that allopathic medicines are not the best cures for joint pains. However, now the question arises, Which is the most effective solution?
The Most Effective Solution-
One of the most effective ways of mitigating against and treating joint pain is through Ayurvedic cures. Age old remedies amalgamated with modern day cutting edge science has revolutionized the way in which joint pains are treated. Rather than superficially treating a medical condition, Ayurveda solves the root cause of the problem.
One such cure is the Muscalt Forte Syrup. It has been voted by patients and doctors alike to be one of the most effective ways of treating joint pain. The following are some of its salient features-
- Reduces pain and inflammation of joints, provides natural anti-inflammatory response and inhibits the synthesis of inflammatory mediators i.e. Prostaglandins.
- Protects joints from free radical damage, promotes antioxidant joint protection by reverting anti-oxidant enzymes level to near normal.
- Protects and rejuvenates joints cartilages, decreases cartilage damage by reducing proteoglycan degeneration.
- Supplements flavonoids, nourishes ligaments & muscles. Relieves swelling and other signs of degenerative joint disease.
- Improves functional performance, acts as a muscle relaxant, relieves swelling & inflammation of muscles & joints.
Thus, it is evident that Muscalt Forte Syrup is a one of a kind treatment which not only mitigates against the harmful side effects of allopathic medications but also treats joint pain most effectively and efficiently.
Click on the link below to know more.