India - The Diabetic Capital of the World

Jul 07 , 2017



India - The Diabetic Capital of the World

India - The Diabetic Capital of the World


India is commonly referred to as the diabetic capital of the world. It is home to the largest population of Type-2 Diabetic Patients in the world which in 2010 was estimated at 50 Million patients. Thus, it is needless to say that India faces a huge challenge.


According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and other government sources, 5% of the Indian population is plagued with diabetes. In fact, the number of Type-2 diabetic patients in India are higher than present in any other country. The future too looks bleak with the diabetic patients in India expected to grow at a rate of 58% to 87 Million people in 2030. With the number of deaths rising due to diabetes, it is quite clear that most of us Indians, do not understand the consequences of this rather dangerous disease. Thus, it is imperative that we understand under what circumstances might diabetes occur.


Thus, it is our aim that we cover most of the important reasons or factors which lead to the deadly disease of diabetes. However, before doing that let us recapitulate what diabetes is in a nutshell.


Diabetes, in short, is a medical condition in which there is an insufficient amount of insulin production


Diabetes, in short, is a medical condition in which there is an insufficient amount of insulin production and secretion by the pancreas. This is termed as Type 1 diabetes. The inadequate response of insulin is commonly referred to as Type 2 diabetes. Out of the two kinds, the latter one is more common in India. Now that we have understood what diabetes is, let us go into the factors which might lead to it in the Indian context.


The Age Factor

The risk of diabetes increases after the age of 25 years. This is contrary to the traditional view in which people think that only middle-aged or old people are susceptible to the disease. While younger people and in some cases children can fall victim to diabetes, it is more probable that an older person will develop diabetes.


This is primarily because of reduced physical exercise, unhealthy lifestyles, blood pressure related issues, other conditions


This is primarily because of reduced physical exercise, unhealthy lifestyles, blood pressure related issues, other conditions (as discussed later in the article) and so on and henceforth. Thus, the probability of being diabetic is directly proportional to your age. Thus, as one's age increases he or she should become doubly vigilant. Controlling unhealthy practices and going big on the healthy and sustainable lifestyle changes is the only way to curb diabetes.


Are you Overweight?

Yes, if you are overweight, then it is probable that you might develop diabetes. The morbid obesity in India is roughly 5% which is almost equal to the percentage of Type-2 diabetic patients in India. While it cannot be said that all obese people become diabetic, the chances of that happening increase enormously.


if you are overweight, then it is probable that you might develop diabetes


You must be wondering, what is the reason behind this phenomenon? The reason is quite simple. When you become overweight, the cells in your body become resistant to the salutary action of insulin. This leads to Type-2 diabetes. The reason behind obesity is widely known. The consumption of fast food, the super-sizing culture, and our unhealthy lifestyle is what leads to it. Thus, the best way to mitigate against diabetes is to adopt a healthy and a sustainable lifestyle.


Can your Genetics Lead to Diabetes?

This is probably one of the most commonly discussed facts when talking about diabetes in general. Yes, genetics does increase the chances of getting diagnosed with diabetes. Thus, in simpler words, if your parents or one of your blood relatives have diabetes, your chances of becoming diabetic increase substantially. According to statistics, if both of your parents have diabetes, the probability of becoming diabetic is as high as 50 percent.


genetics does increase the chances of getting diagnosed with diabetes


However, it will be incorrect to say that a person will indeed become diabetic solely because of his or her genes. The probability of becoming diabetic can be reduced through a healthy lifestyle and also through consulting a doctor or a nutritionist. Another rather interesting fact is that South Asian people are more susceptible to becoming diabetic in comparison to their western counterparts. This is because most individuals in the region are born with a higher Body Mass Index (BMI), body fat and insulin.


Note- This research was conducted by comparing newborn children in India as compared to infants in Europe.


Does Trauma cause Diabetes?

Could it be? Is Diabetes related to trauma? While there isn't a direct correlation, there is an indirect one. Trauma can lead to the permanent/temporary damage to the pancreas. Even if there is no direct harm, post trauma stress burdens the insulin production system. This causes the system to tip over leading to diabetes over a period. Thus, regular checkups and the consultation of a doctor can reduce the probability of becoming diabetic post-trauma significantly.


Is High Blood Pressure related to Diabetes?

Yes, blood pressure has a direct correlation with diabetes. High blood pressure goes unnoticed by most people. According to recent statistics, it is common for people having high blood pressure also to be diabetic (Type-2 Diabetes). Though, the correlation between the two diseases is unknown, it best to avoid both of them if possible. High blood pressure can be reduced through a healthy diet, robust physical exercise and living a natural and a sustainable lifestyle.


blood pressure has a direct correlation with diabetes. High blood pressure goes unnoticed by most people


According to recent statistics by the World Health Organisation (WHO) about 9 to 9.5% of total deaths in India due to chronic diseases is due to High Blood Pressure.


Other Conditions that might lead to Diabetes

While we have been through some of the more common causes leading to diabetes, there are some other factors/ diseases which can lead to the disease. Some of them are as follows-

  • History of having a heart attack or a stroke
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar illness or depression
  • Antipsychotic medication
  • Polycystic ovaries, gestational diabetes, or giving birth to a baby weighing over 10 pounds (for women)


History of having a heart attack or a stroke


Now, that we have understood the factors which may lead to diabetes, the question now arises, what do when we are diagnosed off guard with diabetes? One may opt for the usual way of treating diabetes through tons of allopathic medicines or choose a more natural and efficient way of doing just that. Ayurvedic medicine is an answer to that question.


Ayurvedic medicines have been used for centuries for treating diseases like diabetes with much success. One such medication is the BGR-34. It uses synergistically acting herbal extracts which help in overcoming diabetes.


Ayurvedic medicines have been used for centuries for treating diseases like diabetes with much success


Click on the link below to know more.


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